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Zimbabwe Parliament Structure


Updated: Oct 3, 2019

Three arms of government

Zimbabwe is a Constitutional democracy.

It us therefore befitting that the three pillars of state, namely the Executive, the Judiciary and the Legislature derive their existence and authority from the Constitution.

For the proper functioning of government, the afore-mentioned pillars of state, through respecting the principle of separation of powers by maintaining their independence from one another, play coordinate but complementary roles in national governance


The executive arm of government is responsible for the daily administration of the state bureaucracy. The separation of powers system is designed to distribute authority.

The role of the executive is to enforce the law passed by the legislature and interpreted by the judicial system.

(ii) Legislature

The legislature is the law-making arm of government in Zimbabwe, it deliberates on issues and has the power to pass, amend and repeal laws. In the separation of powers doctrine, the legislature is equal to and independent of both the judiciary and the executive.

In Zimbabwe legislative authority is vested in Parliament, which is composed of the House of Assembly and Senate.

(iii) Judiciary

The judiciary is the system of courts (Supreme Court, High Court and the Magistrate Court), which interprets and applies the law. The judiciary provides a mechanism for the resolution of disputes.

Constitution making

Article VI of the Global Political Agreement (GPA) acknowledges the fundamental right and duty of the Zimbabwean people to make their own constitution.

The principals to the GPA express their determination to create conditions for the people to write their own constitution, mindful of the need to ensure that the new constitution entrenches democratic values and principles.

There is need for all stakeholders’ participation in the constitution making process to ensure a people driven constitution. During this period, people need to take into consideration the doctrine of separation of powers as a core value of constitutionalism.



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